About Hollis Preschool
in Hollis, New Hampshire
Located in the heart of Hollis, NH for over 65 years, Hollis Preschool continues to provide the families in Hollis and its surrounding towns with a quality early childhood educational program. Hollis Preschool supports a “child-centered”, “play-based learning” philosophy and helps create an environment that supports and enhances children’s play inside and outside the classroom while honoring each child’s individual skills, abilities and character. Along with the Director, the volunteer Board of Directors helps to oversee the daily operations of the school, its future development and endeavors.
Hollis Preschool fosters a very kind and inviting atmosphere. It is this atmosphere that allows many young families the beginning of establishing lifelong friendships and deep-rooted connections within the community. Hollis Preschool welcomes all families and is committed to treating each child and family with the upmost respect for his/her individuality and unique potential. Supporting children and their families through the various stages of child development is what Hollis Preschool excels at.